

So, where are you from?

D: So, you two, where are you from anyway?
P: Uhm... I really don't like talking about that. I live here for a few years now, but well, originally I come from Holland...
A: But he's not Dutch!
P: (smiling) Yes, I'm not Dutch.
D: I don't get it... Bet well, now you're going to Portugal, yes?
P: Yes, I'm just walking there in a minute.
D: Walking... ha... And you - are you going there also?
A: Me, no, I'm leaving Malaga tomorrow or the next morning; Madrid and then directly to Poland.
D: So you're going back home?
A: No, what do you mean? I'm just going there for a moment.
P: She's not Polish!
A: No, I'm definitely not Polish!
D: So when are you back in Malaga?
A: In half a year if it all works well.
D: And I don't understand...but who cares? 

Yes, who cares? Now we are here. Now we are laughing by the bookstore window: Patrick noticed El ladron de gallinas there; we're crying because of the story, because it's just here, looking at us in the middle of the night, because of how he got to know it, and how much he loves it. At some point he takes out a copy of one of the pages from his pocket - Look, now they're playing chess! Hihi, the hen is playing chess with the fox! Hihihi!... I will laugh everytime I see a hen or a fox now. Every fox and every hen will always make me happy.

Start collecting, if you are not doing this already. Collecting and connecting, so you can love everything, everywhere.

The day I find my mind able to stay on one subject, I'll consider myself dead.

1 comentario:

  1. Simply, it!
    Doesn't matter where we go, where we came from, we're all just vagabonds wandering the earth. Collecting little things that make us happy! By connecting it to something that made us happy.... Kiss Anka!
    D. (Not the one in dialog xD)
